I continually update my knowledge and expertise to esnure I can offer you the very best service...
Accredited Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapist in CBT, British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)
SCOTACS Certificate in Advanced Clinical Skills (Modules 9 & 10) in CBT
SCOTACS Diploma in Counselling & Groupwork – A Cognitive Behavioural Approach
Continued Professional Development – Personality Disorders
Understanding Eating Disorders
Difficult, Dangerous & Evasive Behaviour in Child Protection
Adult Support & Protection (Scotland) Act 2007
Core behavioural & CBT Skills for Relapse Prevention & recovery Management
An Introduction to Domestic Abuse: Theory 7 Practice (10 credits SHE Level 1/SCQF level 7)
Gender Based Violence
Children Affected by Parental Substance Misuse
Working with Survivors of Sexual violence with addiction issues
Enhancing Motivation & Coping with Cravings
Mental Health Awareness training
Child Protection community Awareness
Motivational Interviewing
Applied suicide Interventions Skills Training (ASIST)
Certification of Completion – Physical Neglect